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제품 정보

Product OPP Tape
Code SLL-OPP-W50-40, SLL-OPP-W50-50
Volume 50mmx40m, 50mmx50m
Products Summary Strong tensile strength, adhesion, strong and strong

Product description

  OPP Tape

- Strong and strong with strong tensile strength and adhesion
- Harmless chemical ingredients, so you don't have to worry about smell
- Excellent adhesion for a wide variety of environments

Type :OPP box Tape
- Strong and strong with strong tensile strength and adhesion
- Harmless chemical ingredients, so you don't have to worry about smell
- Excellent adhesion for a wide variety of environments

[Regular tape]
- Color : Transparent, Yellow
- Specifications : 50 mm × 40 m / 50 mm × 50 m

[Color tape]
- Colors : Green, Black, Red, Blue, Black, White, etc
- Specification : 50 mm × 40 m

■ Packing Unit

- 50 ea / box

Wonjin Polymer    |    364 NamdongSeo-ro, Incheon, Korea(5LOT 5BL, Namdong industrial Complex.)    |    TEL : +82-32-819-7511    |    FAX : +82-32-819-7519
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